What is the soul?
Very different sources say the soul is many different things….but in essence, it’s the same thing described differently.
Philosophers say that the soul is the “Life principle” of a body. The animating essence of every living creature.
Epicureans had a more physics-oriented definition where they considered the soul to be made up of atoms like the rest of the body is.
Scientists claim that the soul is the energy within man. The energy that brings out one’s personality and thinking capacity.
In Hebrew, the soul is defined as ne’phesh, which simply means ” A creature that breaths”.
In Greek, the word soul is translated as psy. khe’, literally meaning “a living being.
All these definitions describe an entity within us that defines us in the spiritual or some would say, metaphysical plane, coming from the actions and the events that we have experienced as man embodied in the physical plane.
Because of this, one can argue that the soul is simply not the unseen anima within us ,but is a combination of both this entity and the physical body, since how we behave on a physical plane, strongly affects the result of our inner anima (spirit).
What are the characteristics of the soul?
-It is in all living creatures. All beings that have breath and are aware of their presence on this earth, must have a soul.
-For it to exist on this earth, it must exist within a body.
-It has the power and freedom to choose. Whatever actions it sees fit that are necessary for whatever it feels is important, it will choose to do or not do.
-It is said that its actions have repercussions that exist past the physical plane. Once we die, our spirits live on in the consequences of the actions that our souls made while alive.
– It is personal, unique, and individualized. The soul you have is yours and no one else. Whatever you choose to do with it, or whatever you choose will happen to the spirit it is connected to after you’re dead, is all within your power. No one, even the devil, can take it from you without you intentionally giving it to him. It is the only treasure whose consequences will outlast time. The reason for your existence is to protect it from falling into the wrong hands. You’d rather save it for God than let it rot in hell with the devil. Hence the saying, “Sell your soul to the devil.”
Biblical Origins of the soul.
When God created Adam, He breathed life into him. This life He was given is what is regarded as his soul.
His Spirit was spiritually linked to his soul as what he did on this earth would leave repercussions of some sort to his spirit. That is the whole point of sin and why God hates sin. Because sin taints the soul which in turn taints the Spirit. But that is jumping the gun too early and is a topic for another discussion.
What is the Spirit and what is the Soul?
The Spirit is what connects you to heaven.
Your Soul is what connects you to earth.
What is the relationship between the Soul and the Spirit?
Your Spirit is your heavenly anchor. Whatever you do with your soul on the physical plain either soil or clean your heavenly anchor.
God is in the heavens, and He only approves of Spirits that have maintained themselves clean. The ones that have obtained His mark, through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can only settle in a clean spirit. One that is ready to forsake this world for God and one that is willing to sacrifice for Him. To do His good works, to obey, and to suffer in a world full of sin that God hates.
It is not an easy thing for the soul to go through all these. But it is one thing that your Spirit will forever be grateful to you for when it is in bliss in heaven forever.
How does it work?
The soul is the combination of your mind and body and the freedom of choice. There is an emphasis based on word choice because it is through choice alone that you bear good fruits or bad fruits. God is all about the good fruits.
So, you have a choice, to use your life loving others as Jesus said we should do and hosting the Holy Spirit on this earth as He directs us on what to do.
The Holy Spirit was sent to earth so that we can learn from Him what God wants from us.
[John 16:7-When the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all truth, for He will not speak on His own Authority, but whatever He hears, He will speak, and He will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me for He will take what is mine and declare it to you.]
He can only settle in a clean soul. By clean, I mean, without sin. In our sinful nature, it’s most probably during a day’s sanctification after repentance of your sins that it can be assumed you’re ready to at least be in the same space with Him, according to Judaic teachings of being unclean before sunset.
[1st Corinthians 6:19-20-Do you not realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives within you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you at a high price. So you must honor God with your body.]
After He resides in you, his fruits will start manifesting in your life through your soul.
[Galatians 5:22-23-But the truth of the Spirit is Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, humility, faithfulness, and self-control.]
And after you have resided in Him, when you will be ready, God will give you the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the purpose that was meant for you.
[1st Corinthians 12:4 -There are different kinds of Gifts. But it is the same Holy Spirit who gives them. There are different kinds of work to be done for Him. But the work is for the same Lord….]
Whatever gifts you will be given, discernment, speaking in tongues, faith, teaching what you have learned and know, teaching wisdom, healing, and powerful works, it is expected that you use these gifts to glorify God. In so doing, and in staying clean, your Spirit, will inherit heaven.
But it will take work before you get here though.
So how valuable is your soul?
It is valuable enough for the son of God to die for you as the last sacrifice.
[John 3:16- For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever shall believe in Him, shall not perish, but will have eternal life.]
If God sees value in your soul worthy of such a sacrifice, who are you not to value it enough to treasure it for Him, even if it’s to save your own Spirit for eternity?
Why should you matter where your Spirit goes?
It’s kinda obvious, don’t you think?
[Luke 9:24- -For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whoever will lose his life for my sake shall save it.]
You don’t want to end up in pain and suffering for an eternity. No one in their right mind does. To belong to God, you have to hate the things of this world while simultaneously loving everyone in it. Confusing to think about it, even more so doing it. But it is a commandment, after all, so with the help of the Holy Spirit, you had better learn how to strike that balance. And learn quickly…
[1st John 2:15-Do not love the world or the things in the world. The love of the Father is not in those who love the world.]
[John 3:11-For this is the message which you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.]
Bottom line.
-Your soul is your body, mind, and choice.
-The choices you make either taint or sanctify your spirit.
-The more sanctified your soul is, the easier it is for the Holy Spirit to reside in you.
-The sooner the Holy Spirit resides in you, the sooner you get the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
-You will have to sacrifice time, energy, and effort to do God’s work while in the Spirit, believing and having faith that there will be a reward in heaven for all your good works. God always rewards good work, and He has never lied to those He loves.
-So long as you maintain a sanctified soul and the Holy Spirit resides in you, you will receive direction to Heaven from the Spirit.
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