Today, let us go through the Gospels, but we aren’t talking about the love of Christ in this series my friends—today’s journey unveils the unfolding of events leading to the end of the world from the same 4 Biblical books that give us the news of our salvation. Basically hearing about the end of the world from the one who is to return Himself. Jesus. Better than the book of Revelation if you ask me.
Let us begin our discovery with the teachings of our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ, as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. In Matthew 24:3-14, we find Jesus sitting upon the Mount of Olives, imparting unto his disciples the signs of the end times. He speaks of wars and rumors of wars ( China-USA, Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Palestine), of famines (general Africa) and earthquakes (most recently Turkey) —a tapestry of turmoil that heralds the birth pangs of a new era. Yet, amidst the chaos, there shines a ray of hope. The assurance that those who endure to the end shall be saved.
Turning now to the Gospel of Mark, we encounter a similar discourse from the lips of our Lord. In Mark 13:5-23, Jesus warns of false messiahs and deceivers who will seek to lead astray the faithful (prosperity pastors) . He speaks of tribulation and persecution, of trials that will test the resolve of his followers ( harsh economic times, disease and sociopolitical pressures). But even in the face of such adversity, Jesus offers words of encouragement—promising that the gospel will be proclaimed to all nations before the end comes.
Next, let us delve into the Gospel of Luke, where we find additional insights into the signs of the end times. In Luke 21:8-19, Jesus speaks of tumultuous times ahead—of wars and upheavals that will shake the foundations of the earth. Yet, in the midst of these trials, he reassures his disciples, urging them not to be afraid but to stand firm in their faith.
We cannot overlook the profound symbolism and imagery found in the book of Revelation even as we journey through the Gospels, . Though not a Gospel perse , Revelation offers a vivid portrait of the end times—woven with visions of angels and beasts, of seals and trumpets, of judgment and redemption.
However, amidst the apocalyptic imagery, there lies a message of hope. Promises of a new heaven and a new earth, where God will wipe away every tear and make all things new (Revelation 21:1-5). It is a vision of cosmic renewal and divine restoration. A hopeful glimpse of the ultimate triumph of good over evil, of light over darkness.
So, what are we to make of these prophetic pronouncements? How are we to navigate the tumultuous waters of the end times? The answer, dear friends, lies not in fear or speculation, but in faith and steadfastness.
I repeat, faith and steadfastness.
Let us heed the words of Jesus himself, who reminds us in John 16:33 that in this world we will face tribulation, but to take heart, for he has overcome the world. Let us hold fast to the teachings of Scripture, anchoring our souls in the promises of God.
And above all, let us live lives of love and service, shining as beacons of hope in a world shrouded in darkness. For in the end, it is not the signs and wonders that will define us, but the depth of our faith and the sincerity of our love.
In conclusion, dear friends, let us journey forth with hearts full of faith and minds attuned to the whispers of prophecy. Let us walk hand in hand, bound by love and faith as we look forward to face the tumaltous times with the longing of seeing Jesus once again.
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